SODA, a retail incubator for born again specialist furniture, objects and art from the 20th Century to current. An offering of well spoken, silver tongued names from Corbusier, Castelli, Aulenti, Eames, and Magistretti, to Kartell, Knoll, Herman Miller, Saporiti, and FLOS. All thoughtfully sourced, meticulously curated, and frequently invigorated; lovingly restored or creatively designed, built locally and abroad. SODA prescribes a multi-perspective remedy for interior nuisance, offering a showroom, art gallery, warehouse, workshop, and studio. SODA is not just a furniture store. Our resources and expertise enable us to be autonomous — step by step — from beginning to new beginning. Space is finite by definition; after too much is added it becomes full. With this in mind, interiors are not just a matter of simply filling space, they’re about adding what makes it a space. Design at its heart is, “to make it look good and last.” SODA provides lasting looks to residential and commercial spaces, both locally and worldwide. Our latest collection can be viewed online or in person.